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Lube …or lack there of…

30 Nov

I do blame myself for not checking something so simple sooner. I know better and there is no excuse for waiting till it gave me trouble popping out of gear on that 200mi road trip.

Drained some thick, milky, surprisingly not sludgy, crap from the differential and almost nothing from the transmission. …seriously, maybe a 1/2 Cup came out. Dark black too.

Now that they’re filled with nice clean fresh gear oil the transmission is quiet and it shifts wonderfully. …go figure. 😛



The manual says 4 pints 80W90 multi-purpose GL-5 for the rearend and 1.5pts for the Chev 3OTT. I filled em both till the tip of my pinky (stuck in the filler hole and slightly bent) got wet.

[edit]   If you’ve stumbled across this while looking for info on draining the differential on an AD truck … the bottom dif cover bolt is the drain.

You’re welcome.


10 Oct

The oil leak turned out to be a bad oil filter housing gasket. Found one that matched the InnerLine block mounted filter at NAPA, changed the oil and drove her all weekend with out issue!!

For those looking…
NAPA part numbers for the InnerLine Filtor:
Gasket: 5062
(from #1080 NAPA Gold Filter)
Filter: 1010


Also replaced the rigged up 8v battery with a new 6v, which is what it should have had originally.


Speaking of the InnerLine “Filtor”, its probably one of the more rare pieces I have on this truck. Remote by-pass oil filters were a dealer/aftermarket option so they were rare to begin with but they’re way more common than the block mounted filter I have. I haven’t mentioned it until now because it hasn’t needed any attention. Other than being full of sludge when I got the truck, it works perfectly.

I need to get some better pictures of it but you can see it to the left of where the steering box and exhaust pipe pass by each other in the following picture.

2011-04-29 18.31.56

Also found decals for it on the Filling Station’s website.

2011-09-23 14.55.20 DETAIL


4 Oct

Took her for a spin over the weekend!!! Oil is now getting to the top end and the filter! It was as I suspected, the distributor tail was not turning the oil pump gear.
Unfortunately, she’s now pissing oil from a brass fitting at the oil distributor. Luckily, I can get replacement parts for most of the oiling system parts with a quick trip to any common plumbing supply store/dept.

Pardon the craptastic cell phone pics it was dark.

2011-09-29 23.38.43

2011-09-29 23.39.46

2011-09-29 23.44.03

Fresh paint!

2011-09-29 23.08.54


28 Sep

GOOD NEWS! After a late night in the garage (8p-2a) with fellow Bolter, Michael S., she is alive and running! We cold set the valves, buttoned up all the panels, topped her off with oil and she fired right up with a single, brief stomp on the starter button! Zero hesitation even after four months of sitting with the engine half torn apart. A little trim of the choke and she purred like a kitten.

Bad news: She’s not getting oil in the filter or up top. Our best guess is that we didn’t put the distributer in deep enough. Idle is better than perfect but the tail of the body drives the oil pump so we’re guessing while the worm drive is overlapping, the flat edge at the base isn’t in the slot on the pump gear. Gonna try to fix it tonight or tomorrow.

2011-09-28 00.22.13

Game on!

26 Sep

After a four month hiatus to attend to family issues, my buddy Greg and I got the oil pan on and removed/replaced the copper oil line that goes thru the block and main water jacket. Unfortunately the push rod cover gasket set came with a couple crushed spark plug seals so we didn’t get to fire her up as planned. Called NAPA and they came thru for me with a couple new cork plug seals. Need to wait for them to get shipped out to the local store tho. Hopefully it’ll happen by next week.


2011-09-24 09.30.36

2011-09-24 09.46.55

Also been painting the panels as I’ve had em off. The color is actually New Ford Gray from AutoZone.

Not using the Thriftmaster decal, instead I’m going to cut a stencil and spray it on as it would have been in 1951.

2011-09-23 14.55.20

Drip. Drip. Drip.

18 May

Should be running by the weekend or next week.

Scratch that and add, weather permitting, one more week. Looks like I’m still leaking coolant at that fitting on the oil line that runs thru the block and main cooling jacket. Not a big deal, sept the fitting is in the pushrod case, which is also the oil return from the valvetrain that feeds the lifters, cam and partial to the crank.

Had to order a new copper line and brass fittings last night. Luckily they’re coming from a shop in state so I should get everything by Saturday sometime.

Pan sludge!

17 May

Pulled the pan last night and scraped out an inch thick layer of sludge. Clean up should be complete tonight and reassembly will begin. Should be running by the weekend or next week.



Thought this was a cool shot of the crankshaft … you can see the oil dipper on the bottom of the conrod.


Looking up at the bottom of #4 (I think) and the camshaft.

2011-05-16 20.20.04

Unstuck valve.

9 May

WOO HOOO!! Got the valve unstuck! Now I just gotta discretely drain 17gal of gas somewhere, seal up a slight coolant leak and get it all back together.

A first for me… Got to use a handcrank to spin the crank shaft and work the valve train after dumping a bunch of solvent into the cylinders and onto the valve stems.

2011-05-06 16.01.50


I can see clearly now, the rain is gone…

2 May

After a series of bad storms with tornadoes and almost constant rain I finally got out to the garage to wrench for a bit. Drained the oil, pulled the valve and push rod covers and discovered a bent rod and slight coolant leak. Gonna pull and clean the pan this coming week/weekend and order a new set of rods. Then when I have it all clean and I find the bind that bent the rod, I’ll fill’er up with a 5qt 80/20 mix of zinc heavy 20w-50 racing oil/Marvel Mystery Oil and also run a couple oz’s of Marvel thru the gas tank.

2011-04-29 18.05.19

2011-04-29 18.06.19

2011-04-29 18.31.22

2011-04-30 15.07.17

2011-04-30 15.20.02

2011-04-29 18.32.13

2011-04-30 14.51.31


18 Apr

She’s leaky. I’ve gotta stop driving her for a while due to a few bad oil leaks. I think the carb also sucked up a bunch of 5-30 from the oil bath air filter so its smoking at idle … note to self: don’t park on severe slopes. I’m gonna try and do the filter, fuel line, fuel sending unit, valve cover and push rod gaskets this weekend.

Rain, rain, rain. This weekend’s plans for the truck are off. …needs a full rebuild anyways. I think I fried a ring or two or something cause she’s smoking like a DDT truck.


…sept there were no kids frolicking in Bessie’s fog…