Drive, drive, drive…

5 Jun

Nothing to add to the blog, just been puttin’ in some time behind the wheel.

…actually, that’s not true about nothing to add.
I changed the oil and filter and managed not to seat the canister gasket correctly. About 3mi later pressure was at ZERO and I had lost about 3-3.5qts. Rolled into a service station and filled her up with the thickest stuff I could find and she’s been running better pressure than ever. ~14lbs at idle and 15 under load. Still have to get the good stuff back in. Mmm… ZDDP.

Left a nice 4″ wide trail all the way from my house (made a three point turn in my neighbor’s driveway) to the main road about 2.5mi away.

Here’s a picture from the first Chuck-a-Burger Cruise Night this season.


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